Sunday, 27 September 2015

Autumn Adders on Cannock Chase

Today I awoke to a chilly morning - in fact, the first frost of the year here in Cheshire. I had arranged to collect my new herping buddy, Tim on route to Cannock Chase for a spot of adder hunting. We started at an area of Tim's and as the sun began to warm up, he spotted a male snake (the first male that I have actually seen). A good search of the area revealed two more males and two females.

We then moved on to check out my own site around the corner, and the weather was by now surprisingly warm for this time of year. This area had previously proved quite fruitful for large females, and we were hopeful there might now be a few young around. I was surprised and disappointed to not find any snakes in this area at all.

V. berus male.

V. berus male.

V. berus female.

V. berus female.

V. berus female.

V. berus male.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Today's Herping in Staffordshire

Common Toad Bufo bufo.

Juvenile Grass Snake Natrix natrix

Grass Snake Natrix natrix feigning death.

Hatchling Grass Snake Natrix natrix.