Saturday, 26 March 2016

Natrix natrix "persa" Staffordshire UK

Yesterday I visited a site in Staffordshire which is known to contain many striped individuals - believed by some to be feral Balkan grass snakes (N.n.persa). I found three specimens in total - one of which displayed typical persa traits, one typical British helvetica, and one possible intermediate form.

Two males photographed in situ. One typical N.n.helvetica and one possible helvetica/persa hybrid?

Typical British form (N.n.helvetica)

Persa phenotype.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Common Toad Breeding Season 2016

Lots of male Common Toads (B.bufo) out and looking for mates in Lancashire today. A few females around too, mostly with males in amplexus.